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Our Approach

Leading Scenario Planning Consultants

As scenario planning consultants, FSG helps clients build robust strategies in the face of uncertainty and change. We work with them to develop a sophisticated understanding of how critical aspects of their business environment could be different in the future.  And most important, we help them understand what to do about it.

With rigor, creativity and experience, we get measurable results for our clients. 

Rigor is the necessary starting point for true creativity, and the FSG approach is rigorous throughout. It begins with the meticulous construction of an analytical framework that captures the full range of plausible market and operating conditions. We systematically challenge accepted notions of the future. Our experience working across many industry segments gives us the confidence and credibility to stretch our clients’ thinking. 

Creativity is the other magic ingredient. Once the analytical framework is in place, “serious fun” can begin. Our analytical rigor creates a space within which people leave behind the “tyranny of the present” and speculate creatively about what the future might plausibly bring, and develop robust strategies that work across the extremes of potential future working environments.

Experience makes FSG unique in the world of futures consulting and scenario planning.  Our principals have been working together on these problems for world-class clients in both the private and public sectors for two decades. Our specialty may be the future, but our focus is always on output that is clear, useful, and executable – starting today. No other firm can offer you the particular combination of experience in futures issues, facilitation of senior people, production of executive alignment, and achievement of concrete results for world-leading organizations.

Rigor, creativity, experience: the FSG advantage.