November 2021 update: FSG has always tried to be about sharing scenario consulting best practices.
In August of 2021, we re-launched our website, migrating it to a new and more user-friendly platform. We do this occasionally to keep up with the technological times and to ensure close contact with our clients, collaborators and friends. We have found these propitious times to look back on recent projects and share tools, tips and wisdom we’ve picked up along the way. The following blog was written almost a decade ago. We’ve since added many layers to our scenario planning knowledge base, but this is a good place to start. Just don’t stop here. The entire blog is filled with rich scenario food for thought.
Lastly, don’t take just our word for it. The July-August 2020 Harvard Business Review features a case study (“Learning from the Future”) of our scenario planning work for the US Coast Guard’s Project Evergreen.
Scenario Consulting Best Practices
Since re-launching our website earlier this year, FSG has been steadily building up content that sheds light on some of the biggest things we have learned over more than 20 years working together as scenario consultants for some of the most dynamic enterprises in the world. While many other strategy and scenario consultants shy away from sharing best practices, we don’t. We think it’s important for any organization considering a scenario planning engagement to know what’s ahead for them – not just the process steps, but key lessons learned along the way.
Those lessons we’ve worked hard to incorporate into our work. And we’re now sharing them on our site as they occur to us. So, take a look at our case studies on topics such as enterprise scenario planning or scenario modeling and our proliferating blog posts on global economic scenarios, US election scenarios and more.
Future topics will deal with scenario planning leadership, strategy implementation and scenario change management. We will also report on the latest scenario- or futures-related books of note, including, most recently, Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow. So, stay tuned, and give us a shout if you think of anything of scenario or futures interest that we scenario consultants haven’t discussed yet.