FSG Blog

FSG 2019 Highlights…and the Year Ahead

With 2019 winding down, FSG would like to take this opportunity to share some of the year’s highlights and to take a peek at what’s in store for the year ahead. 

Scenario Planning for a Wicked Problem – Climate Change

Wicked problems resist resolution, but as guest contributor Mark Trexler argues, the uncertainties surrounding climate change should not prevent organizations considering the implications and planning accordingly. 

Capitalism and the Long Term

The stability of capitalism is threatened by an excessive focus on the short-term. The long term must be a part of decision making, and scenario planning can help.

Alternative Crispr Futures

We’re not yet to designer babies or Gattica, but those futures are no longer science fiction. 

23 and Me, You, Everything

Biology is not destiny, but the field of genomics is chock full of powerful implications — for science, medicine, commerce, society and just about anything we can think of.