FSG Blog

400-Word Scenario #10: Fiscal Ramp to Prosperity

February 14, 2013 [Wolf News/MSDNC]: In a Valentine’s Day miracle, Congress and the administration today reached a long-term deal on the debt ceiling, taxes, and fiscal reform,

Idea-less in Gaza

Now that the happy horserace of the election is over, on to some grimmer scenarios. 

Scenario Planning, Hurricane Sandy, and Relationships

This has been a ridiculously busy and stressful week for three of our recent scenario-based strategic planning clients: the United States Coast Guard, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Experts Are the Worst Forecasters

After decades of trying to help clients anticipate the widest range of plausible possible future events, the following quote rings quite true to us: “Those who know more forecast very slightly better than those who know less.  But those with the most knowledge are often least reliable.” 

Scenario Planning and Truth

The essential value of scenario planning is not just about constructing cool futuristic stories to “get the client thinking outside the box.”