A Scenario Planning Bulletin
Hot Breaking News on the Fiscal Cliff!
Hot Breaking News on the Fiscal Cliff!
“Now let us all join hands and give thanks for all we have this day…
Now that the happy horserace of the election is over, on to some grimmer scenarios.
Nate Silver’s book The Signal and the Noise makes a darned good case for scenario-based strategic planning…
Print newspapers seem to be going away. What happens when they do? It's not all about ink and paper.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have 400 words of bad news: we may look back on 2012 as “the good old days of political cooperation.”
The Actual has its revenge upon the Virtual…
A hypothesis: our current terrible state of political dialogue could be an equilibrium that satisfies far deeper emotional longings than any consensus ever could.
Jonathan Haidt thinks we’re weird. And as scenario consultants, we have to agree.
A future scenario of mass wealth redistribution to a generation that just did not save enough for retirement.