FSG Blog

Scenario Planning in the US Government

The U.S. Coast Guard, FSG’s longstanding scenario-planning client, is recognized for its pioneering foresight work in Project Evergreen.

The War on the Future

Some say our era is dominated by the war between the left and the right. But the real war right now is the war of the present against the future. 

The Valley of the Shadow

WIll the great institutions of society learn how to live with transparency before transparency destroys them?

US Poverty Scenarios

Some 15 percent of Americans live below the poverty line.  How much can the Obama administration do in four years to improve that situation?

400-Word Scenario #10: Fiscal Ramp to Prosperity

February 14, 2013 [Wolf News/MSDNC]: In a Valentine’s Day miracle, Congress and the administration today reached a long-term deal on the debt ceiling, taxes, and fiscal reform,

Scenario Planning beyond the Fiscal Cliff

One way or another (and as FSG partner Patrick Marren notes in a recent blog, probably in the eleventh hour), the current impasse between the White House and House Republicans will end.