Capturing Scenario Planning Value
With any strategic planning exercise, maintaining momentum through the implemention phase can be a challenge. Here are some important insights we’ve picked up along the way.
With any strategic planning exercise, maintaining momentum through the implemention phase can be a challenge. Here are some important insights we’ve picked up along the way.
Are we nearing a tipping point?
Demographics, unlike many other scenario-planning factors, is not prone to serious uncertainty, right? Hang on…
This is the second of two pieces about demography, focusing on another aspect, less to do with the population’s overall size than with its structure – specifically the changing composition by age group.
Why are ordinary people revolting? Maybe…prediction?
There have been a lot of historical analogies being thrown around lately.
The presidency of Donald Trump has caused a lot of smart people (and a lot of less-well-educated ones) to dig up stuff from the past that they see as relevant to our current situation – and to where we may be headed in the near future.
Scenario planning is an enjoyable and stimulating endeavor, endlessly interesting and always rewarding —to a large extent because its usefulness is in decision making under uncertainty.
Organizations are managed by people who acquired expertise from experience in an existing operating environment. But operating environments change unrelentingly. How does one get out ahead of this change?
But we told you so.
It's not that he's wrong. It's that Presidential elections are not baseball.