Case Studies
Our unique approach to scenario planning, corporate strategy and futures analysis yields measurable results.

Providing a Long-Range Look for the U.S. Coast Guard: Project Long View

In 1998, the U.S. Coast Guard hired us to develop a long-range strategy using our scenario planning methodology. The project became known as “Long View.” Five scenarios were developed to evaluate both current and potentially new missions and strategic options for the Coast Guard, across a range of plausible national security and maritime transportation environments.

Imagining the Air Transport System of the Future

FSG facilitated a scenario-planning process for Next Gen – the Joint Planning and Development Office for the Next Generation Air Transportation System. This resulted in the development of long-term strategies for the US air transportation enterprise.

Evergreen I: Building Strategic Foresight at the Coast Guard

The Chief of Staff of the U.S. Coast Guard launched “Project Evergreen” in the fall of 2003 to create a new set of strategies for the USCG in the post-9/11 operating environment, in which the Service was now part of the Department of Homeland Security.

Evergreen II: Instilling Strategic Intent in the US Coast Guard

In 2006, we began work on the second cycle of Project Evergreen under Commandant Thad Allen. Evergreen II was a comprehensive four-year strategy and planning cycle, envisioned both as a tool for developing long-range enterprise strategies and as a process for instilling strategic intent throughout the Coast Guard.

Long-Term Scenario Planning for the Panama Canal

We’ve been involved in some pretty big decisions, but one of the biggest was the one that had to be made by the Panamanian government about the future of its patrimonio nacional, the Panama Canal.

Project Horizon: Interagency Collaboration in Global Affairs

In 2005, there was a growing realization that agency silos were not serving the United States government well. A number of incidents had dramatized the need for greater contact and more effective cooperation among the departments and agencies that had critical roles to play in foreign affairs.

A New Strategic Direction for a Global Securities Firm

A financial services firm was facing major risks and challenges as a result of government regulations, technology change, globalization, cost pressures and non-traditional competition. We were contracted to help them develop a strategy that would work well no matter how the industry evolved over the next 5-10 years.  In conjunction with the top twenty people …

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Pursuing Globalization and Identifying Contingencies at a Professional Services Firm

When the leadership of a major professional services firm decided to globalize, we offered them a scenario-based planning approach to create a cohesive strategy while helping the new executive group to come together. Over the course of an intense three-day executive workshop, a range of future market conditions was considered and explored.

Regional Bank Strategy to Thrive Under Deregulation

The client was acclaimed as one of the most successful and best managed banks in the U.S. in the mid-1990s, but top management was concerned that their existing strategy had little room for sustained future growth. Using a scenario-based approach, we helped them formulate a new strategy for regional growth in banking and simultaneous national growth in non-banking sectors.